Safety Tips When Riding
No function of El Dorado County Transit Authority is so critical as to justify or require a compromise of safety. Being safe is practiced by the Transit Operators and we ask passengers to practice safe behavior too. Here are some safety practices that will help you get to your destination safely.
- Always choose the safest route to and from the bus stop
- When possible, cross at crosswalks and use sidewalks
- Wait for the bus at the designated stop. When the bus is approaching, stand away from the street
- Wait for the bus to completely stop before approaching to board or when exiting the bus
- Let passengers get off the bus before you board
- Watch your step when boarding
- If you are traveling with a stroller, remove the child and fold up the stroller before boarding
- When the lift is being used, stand 3 feet back to allow the lift/ramp to safely deploy
- If you are using a power wheelchair or scooter, keep it in a slow speed when boarding and exiting the bus. While on a lift, turn the power off to avoid movement
- If you are loading a bike onto the rack, stay on the curb until the bus makes a complete stop and the driver is aware of you presence. Upon arrival, remind the driver you are retrieving your bike
- When on board, keep all parts of your body inside the bus
- When the bus is in motion, always stand behind the standee line
- Avoid conversations with the driver while in motion; conversations are distracting
- Be familiar with all emergency exits, including windows and ceiling hatches
- All personal belongings, strollers, and carts must be kept out of the aisles
- Use caution when exiting the bus. Traffic does not stop for transit busses
- Avoid crossing in front or behind a bus –approaching motorists may not see you
- Never run alongside a moving bus
- Always be alert