Why did you apply/what attracted you to this job?
I rode the Cameron Park and Diamond Spring bus routes and loved all of the drivers. I also cleaned the El Dorado Transit office and a dispatcher encouraged me to become an operator. I had a Class C but no Class B but she told me that training was provided.
Describe the training process when you first started.
For 2 weeks myself and four other operators trained in house. The supervisors and fellow co-workers taught me how to speak because my English was not too good and they were great about helping me. The first time behind the wheel I was shaking because I had never drove anything bigger than my car but they all cheered me on and said, “You did great!”
What is your daily routine like when you come to work?
I hug everyone because they are always smiling and are like my family. I then check my locker/inbox, get the keys and then start my route on Yellow which has Senior Daycare and MORE clients riding along. They are a great group and I love to drive them!
What do you like most about your job?
Driving and talking with the people who ride the bus. If someone has a problem, I listen and try to help them. I laugh so much with my Yellow route passengers and I like hearing about everything they did that day.
Describe what a perfect workday is like for you.
Smiling and hugging my transit family; I’m always excited to see the people on my route and I love when everyone is happy. I like knowing that I was able to get these good people home safely.
If you weren’t a transit operator, what position would you be interested in?
I only want to be an operator. I love driving!
What would you say to someone considering a career at El Dorado Transit?
If you want a family, come to Transit! This family has helped me mentally, professionally, and personally. We have great management and great staff!