El Dorado Transit will be adding a route to its popular Sacramento Commuter service and extend all routes to include a stop at the May Lee State Office Complex (formerly known as the Richards Boulevard Office Complex, or RBOC) at 651 Bannon Street, near the intersection of Richards Boulevard and North 7th Street. A total of five trips will occur starting on May 6, 2024, in both the morning and in the afternoon. The Sacramento Commuter Service originates at Park and Ride locations in western El Dorado County and ends in downtown Sacramento.
The May Lee State Office Complex is the largest state government office project in California’s history. Located in Sacramento’s River District, the complex will house seven state agencies. For state workers living in El Dorado County, the Sacramento Commuter service is the easy, stress-free way to commute to work.
Please click here for the schedule and complete route information.